Sunday, June 19, 2011

Jake and Micah, with Crazy Cat Videos!!

Jake and Micah have the COOLEST CAT TOYS EVER!
I don't know what they put in their cat nip but my cats go WILD
anytime I send away for a new treat for them.

This was a treat for Chet's girlfriend Bella. =)

Here is all the action:

This is Mini playing with the Martini Olive.
As soon as I opened the box she came RUNNING and MEOWING, and this cat never talks...
I had to edit out the ending tho...she was a little possessive when I tried to help her.

Here is Chetterball with the same olive.
I obviously have to figure out how to old my iPhone when I take video...

Then a few days later we un-earthed a few old fortune cookies we had.

Here is Chet with an old cat nip toy, one that he bit a hole into.

Here is Mini with a Fresh one I had been Hoarding for a while.

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